Saturday, July 18, 2009

House Plans

Okay! We got the house plans! One question though.......How is it now one foot longer but every bedroom is two feet shorter. ???? I don't understand.

Well...I just called him and the new dimensions are right. The old ones were wrong. So now I have 12x12 kids rooms instead of 12x14. No fun! I thought we were going to have big nice size rooms. Not that 12x12 is bad but 12x14 is great!!

We also got the elevation. I love it! It is going to be brick and stone with some cedar. We are going for a European Ranch look.

We aren't ready to build yet, but are just that much closer. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Give this blogger thing a try...building a house.

Before you start building your own house you dream how fun and wonderful it is......and it is! It is also very trying!!! :) You pick out your land (or lot) and then the fun begins.
We picked out 8 acres that had a small stream and a creek going through it with varied terrain. We got a very good deal on it. I am a real estate agent and that is one of the pirks....we know about the good deals before they are on the market. ;)
We have a picture in our head and think it will be beautiful when it is finished. Easier said than done. Where we thought we could build we really couldn't because there was a spring not too far under the surface. So we ended up covering a man made pond to build on that spot and making a small lake to get the dirt to do so. We were excited to find out there was two springs in the new lake/pond so we would have fresh water all the time with a spillway spilling over to the stream. Again another surprise.....the spring only fills as high as the spring. So it only fills the small lake half way. You would think that wouldn't be so bad to have it filled half way and let rain do the rest....except we also found out if water comes in the spring it also goes out. So it will never go higher than the spring. My husbands solution was so drain the lake and seal the spring. Sounds easy enough. Well, when it was drained then it came time to "patch the holes." But where are they? I thought you could just see a hole that was spouting water....wrong. It is just somewhere under the loose dirt that makes a pool of water and can move around. Geeeeze.
The latest idea is to get this "special sealing clay" and just seal the whole bottom of the lake. I will let you know how it comes out.
We also have been going around and around with the architech and hopefully we will have the final plans at the end of this week. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

I have recently changed my home page from to and now I use as my work site. You can also find me on and on .

